Great Tips

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Reducing Landfill is Super Easy - If We All Do a Little, It Will Help a Lot!

There are so many ways you can do your bit to help reduce landfill. Living on acreage I'm fortunate enough to have many options to dispose of veggie and other food scraps. We have a dog, cats, chickens and a compost bin.

The chickens get first choice of fresh scraps - the dog and cats get the cooked food scraps - the compost gets what I don't think is suitable for the chickens (seriously would you eat a raw onion if you were a chook!)

Not everyone has this luxury of course but there are still many ways you can do your part.

Some options are:

Composting: even if you only have an apartment you can buy a compost bucket for your kitchen. You can compost your scraps, tea and coffee grounds, eggshells, etc. You can even put meat and dairy in some of them (not the usual ingredients for a compost bin). If you have a backyard you can have your compost bin or a Worm Farm. Worms are great little eaters and provide excellent fertilizer. If you have a larger yard then you can have a compost bin or heap.

You can add compost into your veggie garden (preferably dig in a few weeks prior to planting) or you can use it as mulch for any part of your garden. Compost is not a fertilizer as such but it will improve your soil quality.

Chickens are great as they provide eggs and fertilizer in return for some chook food and fresh scraps (chook poo is great for the garden or compost, just don't add fresh manure of any sort directly to a veggie garden).

Recycle as much as possible. Milk containers, cans, jars, newspapers, etc. Every town has their own recycling system but it's worth finding out what you can do.

Shop smart, try not to buy products that are over packaged. Cook more from "real" ingredients rather than processed foods. You'll reduce packaging, save money and be healthier.

Find out more about composting at

There's more information and ideas for your Organic Vegetable Garden at

Happy Gardening!

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